palms West Orange Women

WOW is a civic and social organization whose members live and/or work
in Southwest Orange County, Florida



Clubs and Activities

Community Outreach





New Members




Photo Album




Why Does WOW Exist?

Of Note

What's Going On?

WOW seeks to provide its 150+ members the opportunity to learn about their community, support local charitable and civic activities, and socialize in an atmosphere of friendliness and goodwill. Aside from the luncheon meetings held monthly from September through May, WOW members are active in 16 clubs and activities throughout each month. In addition, several activities are planned where members can contribute their time and expertise or enjoy social outings with other members. Examples of these are day trips, fund raising activities and volunteering at our charity.

....alice....A Word from Our President 
Hello Ladies!......
We had a wonderful February meeting with a little less than 80 in attendance. WOW! Did you know that friendship is a cornerstone of a fulfilling life, especially for active senior women.  Maintaining strong social connections can have profound effects on brain health and overall well-being. Engaging in social activities, such as game groups, lunch groups, or volunteer groups, not only foster friendship but also stimulates the mind.  These interactions provide mental stimulation, reduce stress and can even delay cognitive decline. Building and nurturing these relationships can lead to a happier, healthier life.  So having fun with WOW is good for you!
We are actively looking for someone to take over the Ladies' Day Out as Laura Radius is retiring from that position.  You can share this with someone, and Shari Barker is a huge resource for helping get the word out, via Facebook or email if that is your weak spot.  Please let Shari or myself know if you would like more information.
I had some questions about our current use of a Charity Selection Committee.  This is to help whittle the possibilities down to 3 for the club to vote for our Main Charity for next year, which starts June 1, 2025.  We are moving this to the spring instead of starting this process in September, when our club year, as our new year starts on June 1. This year is our transition year.
March is going to be fun with our Fashion Show.  For the sake of your health, I hope you can join us to stimulate your mind and have some fun.  We have the nicest ladies in WOW.  Bring a friend. 
   Alice Bergeson, President             248-921-6025


Another exciting event scheduled is a WOW Ladies Cruise. Nov 3-7, 2025 on Royal Caribbean’s Utopia of the Seas. Please contact me if you are interested.  We still have a few cabins on hold.  Fully refundable until August of 2025. Couples are now welcome to join our cruise.


Margaret Krass

It is with sadness that I let you know, that Margaret Krass passed away on Sunday February 2nd, in Michigan. Her daughter has informed a few members.  She had some troubling health issues this past year and was sorry she didn't make her Snowbird flight to Florida this winter.

Margaret was a cherished member of WOW since 2000, and her presence will be deeply missed. She was involved in many WOW activities and attended the monthly luncheon meetings during her winters in Florida. She had many WOW friends.  I had the pleasure of sitting beside her at the Happy Hour Group last spring before she traveled back to Michigan.  Margaret brought friendship and laughter to many of us and we will always remember her kindness and involvement in our club.

We do not have any details yet, but we will keep you informed as the family makes plans. We appreciate those close friends who are keeping us informed as arrangements are made ........... Alice Bergeson, President  

12 Scams Targeting Senior Citizens


Our next luncheon will be
March 20th
Stoneybrook Golf Club

Jan p
Jan Penrose, 2nd VP

Our newest member, Debbie Saremi, puts our membership  total to 167 and growing. I also invite you to follow us on Facebook. Renewals for 2025-26 are being accepted. You can pay by cash, check, or Zelle. Dues are still a bargain at $25.00 and are due by May 2025. After that, a late fee of $5.00 will be added. The application is on line but I will have copies available at the meeting.
Please email me at if you change any of  your contact information.  Please note Jennie Forsythe’s new email address-, Mary Durney has a new address-
1124 Brandy Ct, Winter Garden, Fla 34787
Please remember to keep Margaret Krass’s family in your prayers.
      We now have a Membership Committee consisting of Shari Barker, Patti Williams, Carolyn Conner, Wynne Sirbu, and Cynthia Johnson-Guarino.  Some of these ladies will help you find a fun group to sit with at the luncheon.  If you would like to join this committee, please let me know.  

The 2024-2025 Directory is on this website. Directory.  
Jan Penrose   2ND VP – MEMBERSHIP,   

Searching for a member's name?

Name sound familiar but can't put a face to it? Check out our member photo album. So far 130+ members have been photographed at luncheons. Sorted by first name, you should be able to put a name with a face. Member Photo Album

Note: If you'd like to update your picture, just let me know at a luncheon and I'll retake it. Barbara Aboushahba


  webmistress-Barbara A.